Brought to life and presented  in a large exhibition in 2006 the
project women on the line wants to REawaken.

They exist, they have always existed and they will always exist. They are many, very many, but most are hardly known: Women from history and in the present, in all times and throughout all cultures, making wondrous accomplishments in politics, in fighting for rights that should be taken for granted, in science and research, in economics and ecology, in arts, culture, and everywhere within our everyday lives.

Official histories with a few exceptions –generally dedicate little room and little significance to women’s history, as they do with the biographies of women and their stories detail. Although feminist research for more than 40 years has been making every effort to make women visible, it is still a fact that the larger half of mankind is still denied the social attention it is due.
Women and men worldwide now have the chance to contribute with biographies of women they feel closely attached to (such as mother, friend, sister, daughter, lover, aunt, cousin, librarian, grandchild, grandmother, niece, neighbour, teacher, priest, saleswoman, foe, musician, journalist…etc.)  or to write  or encourage autobiographies, based on the motto


in order to provide an even broader spectrum of the contributions of little known or hardly known women and their life stories.



To make female (hi)story visible and enrich our project! TAKE PART!

With your biography you have got the chance to take part in and therefore enrich our project.